written by H

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Home From the Holidays

Hi everyone, its H! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while.   Over Christmas my family and I went to South Carolina to visit my Mom’s side of the family.  My grandparents put on an amazing Christmas display of lights and décor and my Aunt displayed a live Christmas tree that was two stories tall. We ate and ate; we do a lot of that as a family over Christmas.  There was so much good food that you can’t say no.  We all had a great holiday and I think this was my favorite Christmas so far.  We do a lot of laughing.

My main Christmas gift this year was a Nook Color book reader, I really like it and plan to write and tell you more about it later.  In case you want to look it up, they are found at Barnes and Noble and are so much more than a book reader. 

While there I took some spectacular pictures of the ocean and some nice trees. 

Enjoy the pics!

More posts to come soon!


  1. Sounds like you had a good time with your family. I am looking foward to hearing how the NOOK works out for you.

    Old School

  2. Yes, lots of good food indeed! I hope you are enjoying your Nook and are recovering from all that eating we did over Christmas! Looking forward to your next post -
